

Overview Description Impressions are a key metric for understanding the visibility of your website’s content in search results. High impressions

Items Checked Out

Overview Definition Items Checked Out refers to the count of individual products for which users have initiated the checkout process,

Items Purchased

Overview Definition Items Purchased refers to the total count of products that have been bought by users, as recorded through

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Items Viewed

Overview Definition Items Viewed measures the total number of product views by users, as tracked through the view_item event in

Items Added to Cart

Overview Definition Items Added to Cart quantifies the total number of individual products added to shopping carts by users within

Item Revenue

Overview Definition Item Revenue in Google Analytics 4 represents the total revenue generated from the sale of items, excluding additional

Item Category

Overview Description Item Category provides a structured way to analyze product data by categorizing items into hierarchical levels, starting from

Item ID

Overview What is Item ID in Google Analytics 4? Item ID refers to the unique identifier assigned to a product